Home > York Street Index > Roland Court

Roland Court

This page shows businesses on Roland Court. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Auto Service & Repair

Auto Service & Repair is a garage offering repairs, parts, fitting and various other vehicle services.

Address: Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

G C L (Properties) Ltd

G C L (Properties) Ltd is a firm of property developers who handle a wide range of properties.

Address: Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

Nutrifreeze Ltd

Nutrifreeze Ltd is a company which carries out research via opinion polls and other surveys.

Address: 8 Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

P F I Property Maintanence

P F I Property Maintanence is a property maintenance company responsible for the upkeep of various buildings.

Address: 1-3 Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

Paul Foster

Paul Foster is a firm of interior designers specialising in office planning and design.

Address: 1-3 Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW


York City Knights

York City Knights is a social club offering a venue for various gatherings and social events in the local area.

Address: Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

York City Leather Co Ltd

York City Leather Co Ltd is a shop selling an array of leather goods including clothes and accessories.

Address: 7 Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW

York Coin Leisure Ltd

York Coin Leisure Ltd is an amusement arcade with a range of fruit machines and other coin operated games.

Address: 4 Roland Court, Huntington, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 9PW


Map showing Roland Court in York.
