Home > York Street Index > Horsefair


This page shows businesses on Horsefair. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Boroughbridge Hardware

Boroughbridge Hardware is a hardware store selling a range of DIY and home improvement items.

Address: 4 Horsefair, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9AD


Claremarie is a clothing retailer selling a range of fashion items and accessories.

Address: 1 Horsefair, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9AA


Fish-N-Things is a retailer of various equipment and supplies for angling and fishing.

Address: 5 Horsefair, Bridge Street, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9LF

Quinn & Clarkson Stores Ltd

Quinn & Clarkson Stores Ltd is a chemists' shop selling a range of pharmaceutical items and services.

Address: Head Office Richmond House, 3 Horsefair, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9AA

The Golden Bite

The Golden Bite is a take away food shop which offers a range of food and drinks.

Address: 9-11 Horsefair, Boroughbridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9AA



Map showing Horsefair in York.
