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Feversham Crescent

This page shows businesses on Feversham Crescent. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.



Equilibrium is an aromatherapist offering a range of treatments using essential oils and other aromatic compounds.

Address: Feversham Cr, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HQ

Federation Of Small Businesses

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a not-for-profit campaigning pressure group which represents small and medium sized firms in the UK.

Address: 19 Feversham Cr, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HQ

Feversham Lodge

Feversham Lodge is a guest house offering a number of rooms, along with meals and other services, for guests.

Address: 1 Feversham Cr, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HQ

Richmond Fellowship

Richmond Fellowship is a housing association providing a range of low cost social housing to people needing needing somewhere to live.

Address: 14 Feversham Cr, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HQ

The Tower

The Tower is a guest house offering a number of rooms, along with meals and other services, for guests.

Address: 2 Feversham Crescent, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HQ



Map showing Feversham Crescent in York.
