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Burnholme Avenue

This page shows businesses on Burnholme Avenue. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Axel Wood Lighting Design

Axel Wood Lighting Design is a firm of electricians offering a variety of electrical services to homes and businesses.

Address: 56 Burnholme Avenue, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 0NB

Sandstone Landscape Construction

Sandstone Landscape Construction is a fencing company providing a range of fencing options for the garden and other plots of land.

Address: 26 Burnholme Avenue, York, North Yorkshire, YO31 0NB

Reviews of Establishments on Burnholme Avenue

Find out what people are saying about places on Burnholme Avenue.

ARRRRRXEL - review of Axel Wood Lighting Design by AXEL BRUCIE WOOD

I am from Ipswich, and the lord god AXEL reigns. He created Man, MEN called AXEL! Its not Adam and Eve, Nor adam and steve.. ITS AXEL AND EVE!!!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRXEL!... More »

God is Axel - review of Axel Wood Lighting Design by God

Yes you heard that right. God is Axel. Praise the lord! AXEL AXEL AXEL WOOD, AXEL WOOD, AXEL WOOD. AXEL AXEL AXEL WOOD, AXEL AXEL WOOD!... More »

We are all Axel - review of Axel Wood Lighting Design by Axel wood

You may not know it be we are all Axel's in our own right,Please STOP adding reviews as i'm now top of the Google search,Axel Wood... More »

AXEL - review of Axel Wood Lighting Design by AXEL WOOD

I too am Axel. AXEL AXEL AXEL. I'm not the Axel Wood who owns this fine lighting design shop, but i am Axel Wood.... More »

Funny name ha ha - review of Axel Wood Lighting Design by Axel

Great shop, but what a queer name of a man called axel. Who is Axel, what is Axel? Where is Axel? Axel axel axel axel axel axel axel...... More »


Map showing Burnholme Avenue in York.
