Home > York Street Index > Bootham Terrace

Bootham Terrace

This page shows businesses on Bootham Terrace. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Abbeyfields Guest House

Abbeyfields Guest House is a guest house offering a number of rooms, along with meals and other services, for guests.

Address: 19 Bootham Ter, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 7DH

Hedley House Hotel

Hedley House Hotel is a hotel which provides accommodation for individuals and various sized groups.

Address: 3 Bootham Ter, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 7DH

Jessie's Fund

Jessie's Fund is a charity which works towards helping and raising money for charitable causes.

Address: 10 Bootham Ter, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 7DH

Knowle House

Knowle House offers self-catering accommodation for individuals and various sized groups of holidaymakers and other visitors.

Address: 5 Bootham Terrace, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 7DH


S T K is a recruitment agency which helps employers to fill vacancies and jobseekers to find work across various market sectors.

Address: 8 Bootham Terrace, Bootham Row, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 7DU


Reviews of Establishments on Bootham Terrace

Find out what people are saying about places on Bootham Terrace.

Fab stay in York - review of Abbeyfields Guest House by S and P Wilkinson

We would like to recommend AbbeyField Guest House, 19 Bootham Terrace York, We have just stayed their for a weekend break. We were given a warm welcome from Al and Les the proprietors... More »


Map showing Bootham Terrace in York.
