A review of Peter Hartas by Darren Duckworth written on Friday 27th of June 2008
I honestly started believing people like this didn't exist in this society any more. My car broke down, and all we knew is it didn't reverse, gearbox problems. The thing was we always got our car serviced at our local Renault dealership garage and had repairs done by them. On this occasion we couldn't as the initial quote to inspect it was £1600.+ .."That's it for our little Clio", we thought we had to get rid as there was no way we could afford that price so set about asking people if they wanted it... we needed the money to buy a cheaper car as my partner was at the time 5 weeks to go for the birth of our child, so a car was important when you live miles from anywhere.
A neighbour mentioned this garage out in the middle of an industrial estate which they use whenever needed and said they would ask about repairing and what we should have been charged. I was shocked to find not only was it less than half price, they would be prepared to repair it for me. They came up with a deal for me to cover payments AND when I dropped it off it had no fuel in, when I picked it up it was HALF FULL, given the price of diesel, these people at this garage have now allowed my partner and I to not have to panic getting too and from the hospital and the car runs absolutely like new. For a man who is at the moment unemployed and struggling, this garage didn't blink an eye at helping in any way they could in a friendly manner...all done and dusted in a week!
I wish there were more garages like this one and the staff that run them. I recommend every try your local man rather than the big dealerships.. you'll be amazed at the service..
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