A review of Terry Green Wedding Photography by Philoip written on Friday 23rd of May 2008
Me and my partener Philip have just got engaged and and we were considering having alot of gays at our wedding we just wanted to ask you if that was okay ????????????????????? erm, wella there will be MY NAME IS PHILOIP and my partener is FRIGEMAGNOIT what is your favourite type of poi ?? mine is male p i mean steak poi, my love, footballs and pous at the wedding but we know someone called fabio he will no dance at dey parrtay, DRRRRRRRRRRUMS rrrolll in,
We areb having PEANUT BUTTER JELLY in our sandwiches, so we hoep you know fatty who will also be at the wedding herself, so you can take a shot of her doing the dance. so just so you know we LOVE YOU TERRY GREEN WITH..............PEJJHFVBGB.KU,MFKDFKNKGBKVJ.
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