This page displays sold house prices for Elvington Terrace in York.
Elvington Terrace in York YO10 consists predominantly of flats. Properties on Elvington Terrace typically have values around £200,000 - £250,000, ranging up to around £250,000 for top end flats.
Apartment 13, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£177,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th December 2003 |
Apartment 12, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£173,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th December 2003 |
Apartment 9, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£171,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
30th December 2003 |
Apartment 9, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£153,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
19th December 2006 |
Apartment 8, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£132,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th December 2003 |
Apartment 4, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£137,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
23rd December 2003 |
Apartment 16, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£169,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
8th January 2004 |
Apartment 14, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£160,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
15th January 2004 |
Apartment 6, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£139,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
9th January 2004 |
Apartment 9, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£145,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
2nd July 2004 |
Apartment 15, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£175,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
13th January 2004 |
Apartment 11, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£158,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
8th January 2004 |
Apartment 1, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£135,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
4th June 2008 |
Apartment 17, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£151,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
15th January 2004 |
Apartment 5, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£183,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th December 2003 |
Apartment 2, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£125,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
30th June 2004 |
Apartment 7, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£187,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
24th December 2003 |
Apartment 3, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£181,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
15th January 2004 |
Apartment 1, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£175,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
14th January 2004 |
Apartment 4, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£130,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
21st May 2004 |
14 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£146,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
20th December 2013 |
Apartment 10, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£175,450 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
9th January 2004 |
8 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£140,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
13th August 2015 |
9 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£125,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
26th March 2010 |
16 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£136,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
26th September 2011 |
2 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£135,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
4th July 2014 |
1 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£151,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
22nd July 2014 |
10 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£155,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
5th September 2014 |
13 Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£145,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
14th February 2014 |
Apartment 13, Curlew House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DG
£155,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
1st May 2008 |
Apartment 14, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£80,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
7th March 2008 |
Apartment 14, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£65,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
25th June 2004 |
Apartment 18, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£67,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
20th October 2006 |
Apartment 21, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£75,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
5th May 2006 |
Apartment 17, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£65,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
16th July 2004 |
Apartment 20, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£65,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
2nd July 2004 |
Apartment 21, Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£65,000 |
Flat, Leasehold new build |
9th July 2004 |
21 Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£75,000 |
Flat, Leasehold |
11th September 2015 |
21 Dunlin House Elvington Terrace, York YO10 3DL
£66,500 |
Flat, Leasehold |
3rd December 2010 |