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Livestock and Other Animals

Livestock and other animals, other farming of animals.



  • G C Allison

    Based in Main Street, Barmby Moor.
    Tel: 01759 302390
    Address: Preston Farm, Main Street, Barmby Moor, York, North Yorkshire, YO42 4HJ
  • G Cousins

    Based in Low Marton Common, Sinnington.
    Tel: 01751 431707
    Address: Low Marton Common, Marton, Sinnington, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 6RG
  • G D Hall

    Based in Long Acres, Hawnby.
    Tel: 01439 798253
    Address: Long Acres, Hawnby, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 5QH
  • G I Marwood

    Based in Main Street, Harome.
    Tel: 01439 770631
    Address: Hill Top Farm, Main Street, Harome, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 5JF
  • G Inchboard

    Based in Tollerton.
    Tel: 01347 838216
    Address: Youlton Hall Cottage, Youlton, Tollerton, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 1QN
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  • G Mitchell

    Based in North Ross Farm, Ellerton.
    Tel: 01759 318313
    Address: North Ross Farm, Ellerton, York, North Yorkshire, YO42 4PU
  • G Potts

    Based in Burlands Lane, Upper Poppleton.
    Tel: 01904 795285
    Address: Burlands Lane, Upper Poppleton, York, North Yorkshire, YO26 6QN
  • G R & S Atkinson

    Based in Rockingham Villa, Farlington.
    Tel: 01347 810487
    Address: Rockingham Villa, Farlington, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 1NW
  • G T Barton & Son

    Based in Hundayfield Farm, Marton cum Grafton.
    Tel: 01423 322414
    Address: Hundayfield Farm, Marton cum Grafton, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9QT
  • G W & G Walsh

    Based in Stokesley Road, Helmsley.
    Tel: 01439 798272
    Address: Featherholme Farm, Stokesley Road, Helmsley, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 5LZ
  • G W & M R Singleton

    Based in Farlington Grange, Farlington.
    Tel: 01347 878402
    Address: Farlington Grange, Farlington, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 1NR
  • G W Lumley & Son

    Based in York.
    Tel: 01423 322172
    Address: Marton cum Grafton, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9QU
  • G Wray

    Based in Kirbyunderdale.
    Tel: 01759 368212
    Address: Uncleby, Kirbyunderdale, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 1RJ
  • G Wriglesworth & Son

    Based in Pear Tree Farm, Murton.
    Tel: 01904 489494
    Address: Craiglynne, Pear Tree Farm, Murton, York, North Yorkshire, YO19 5UQ
  • Galtrey

    Based in Court House Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough.
    Tel: 01904 470248
    Address: Court House Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough, York, North Yorkshire, YO30 1AR
  • Genus

    Based in Whenby.
    Tel: 01347 878404
    Address: Whenby Lodge Farm, Whenby, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 4SF
  • Gerald Dickinson

    Based in Willow Tree Farm, Marton cum Grafton.
    Tel: 01423 322144
    Address: Willow Tree Farm, Marton cum Grafton, York, North Yorkshire, YO51 9QH
  • Gill J L

    Based in Grange Farm, Sutton on Derwent.
    Tel: 01904 608265
    Address: Grange Farm, Sutton on Derwent, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 4BY
  • Gordon Davison

    Based in Pry Rigg Farm, Sproxton.
    Tel: 01439 788564
    Address: Pry Rigg Farm, Sproxton, York, North Yorkshire, YO62 5EL
  • Gordon H Hall

    Based in Moor End, Acaster Malbis.
    Tel: 01904 706727
    Address: Moor End, Acaster Malbis, York, North Yorkshire, YO23 2UQ
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